Dogs vaccinated on large scale

TSE Lamka, Jan 15 : As several departments of the district have put up their best effort to counter thelamka news logo menace of dog-bite cases following reports of rabies, the Veterinary Depart-ment has today vaccinated a record 497 dogs in three outstations besides their main office while the Medical Department has administered vaccine to 75 people.

With the opening of a dog-bite cell at the District Hospital Casualty, the department has administered 29 doses of vaccine in the cell while the Immunisation office has administered 46 doses taking the tally to 75. However, only 5 of these cases are said have received the first doses today with the remaining receiving the medication as a follow up to complete the required four doses.

The dog vaccination exercise of the Veterinary Department was carried out at Muolvaiphei (143), Pearsonmun (80) and K Salbung (9) besides their office (265).

The cumulative figure of vaccinated dogs as of today stands at 3110.

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