RPZI Condemnation regarding Chivu-Chandrakirti Park Inauguration

Lamka the 15th October 2022

The person who captured and killed one of the Zo Chiefs Goukhothang has been glorified yesterday in the very heart of Zo land with the opening of the Chivu-Chandrakirti Memorial Park at Tonzang, Singngat Division of Churachandpur. This also reconfirmed the distorted history written in the Chivu Stone Inscription that claimed the fabricated victory of Chandrakirti over 4 Lushai chiefs and the subjugation of 112 villages. It is a day of deception and desolation, thus, a Black Day for the Zo people all around the world.

To resolve the matter democratically and peacefully, the Research & Preservation of the Zo Identities (RPZI) has been running from pillar to post, to every concerned government official both from the State and Central, met all tribal leaders, concerned Chiefs and people around Chivu area, and many others for the past 2 and half years.

To this effect, the RPZI felt deceived and would like to condemn the followings:

# N. Biren Singh, CM for disrespecting the sentiments of the Zo people in Manipur, Mizoram and around the world. The CM open the park without any cabinet or assembly decision or without any official consultation with HAC or tribal MLAs of Churachandpur collectively. The CM dishonoured the talks with RPZI and ignored the recommendation put up by the Expert Committee set up by him. The CM was apprised of the sensitivity of the Chivu issue and was well aware that it would hurt the sentiments of the Zo People. But he chooses to look the other way.

# Sanajauba Leishemba, MP (Inner Manipur) for giving false hope to RPZI. When RPZI met him in Delhi he promised that he would resolve the matter by setting up a meeting with all stakeholders to this issue. He never call the meeting.

# Singngat MLAs — Both the two Singngat MLAs are equally involved in the inception and formation of the park. It was GS Haupu who initiated the project and Chinlunthang who completed the project. GS Haupu took RPZI to the CM table for discussion, Chinlunthang bypassed RPZI. In the name of development, you both have hurt the sentiments of the Zo people.

# Churachandpur MLAs for not proactively addressing the issue. You do not need a special invitation to address the people’s cause. Your united voice would have made a big difference but you choose to be a mute spectator. For this, you will be remembered.

# Contractors — The contractors of this park are no strangers. They are our own people, in fact, powerful and influential people. They could have stopped the construction to end this matter if they wish so. But the love of money precedes the love of our land. For this, we are very disappointed to all the contractors involved.

# Tribe leaders, CSO leaders and Chiefs for not standing up for the cause of our land and people. Each of you are well aware of the implications and consequences that would result from this matter. Although in words, you have all supported the cause, but in reality, you — the guardian of our lands have all succumbed to the imperialism of the Non-Tribal and could not resist the power of money. For this, generations will remember you.

# Raja Goukhothang Memorial Trust for not standing up for their chief. They are the descendant of Goukhothang and should be the most vocal in this regard as it is an insult to promote the person who captured and allegedly killed Raja Goukhothang on the very same soil where he was captured. Instead, they are responsible for changing the narrative of the mishap of Goukhothang which as a result weakens the fight for the Chivu cause.

Today, the park may be inaugurated with the help of the government’s machinery, but the spirit will continue to burn in the heart of the people. So, in the matter regarding the Chivu-Chandrakirti Memorial Park, RPZI will not be responsible for any untoward incidents that may happen in the future, but the responsibility will lie in the hands of the people that are mentioned above.

Therefore, the inauguration of the Chivu-Chandrakirti Memorial Park is mainly the result of Biren’s imperialist agenda and the failure of our leaders to oppose this force. Generations will remember their action, inaction, and their non-intervention in this matter.


Issued in the public interest by
Information, Media & Publicity,
Research & Preservation of the Zo Identities (RPZI)

RPZI Condemnation 15Oct 20222 post

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