Not that I am exemplary, I, nonetheless, continue to feel concerned that everyone, and that certainly includes those working in the private sector, should save and start their finance planning at an early stage in their career. I have been doing my two bits to promote this idea and create awareness. This is an on-going interest. I recently came across a small presentation created by a friend who has made it his business to publicise and solicit people to invest in various instruments. I give below the points of his presentations hoping this will add to encourage us save and invest for our future.
Savings with clear objectives not only create the retirement nest or some other objectives we may have, it also gives us the guts to take a principle-based stand, if needed, or take a break from working for various reasons. Well, I need hardly sermonise on the many benefits. Do find out for yourself if you haven’t done so already.
Caution: The funds cited in the last few slides are, I believe, meant to be examples. One should make informed decisions before choosing any instrument for investment.
This slide shows the rate of inflation against average returns delivered by various investments. Sensex stands for Equities.